Saturday, April 6, 2013

Archery on horseback (Yabusame) and Tea

As if drawing a bow and arrow

The action of standing up the hishaku (bamboo ladle) is one of the characteristics of the Ueda Tradition. It highlights the emphasis on performing a temae (tea preparation ceremony) composed of straight lines. The action is dynamic and beautiful.

When men hold the hishaku and enter the tearoom to perform the temae, they hold the hishaku out in front of them as if they are holding reins riding a horse. When you draw water from an iron kettle or mizusashi and transfer the water in to the tea bowl or iron kettle, you transfer the water and rest the hishaku down with actions that mirror the actions of firing a bow and arrow. 

The symbols of a warlord are a bow and horse. Riding a horse and firing your bow and arrow should be the spirit in your temae from start to finish. This is to strive for ‘stillness in movement’. Women do not perform the same archery-like hand movements in their temae, but the spirit of pursuing ‘stillness in movement’ is the same.



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